Just wanted to touch base on a few updates related to the International Criminal Court (ICC). Even thought finals are fast approaching, there is also another exciting event taking center stage in early December--the 9th session of the Assembly of States Parties. The ASP will be taking place December 6-10 at the United Nations. For more background information, see:
In addition, the ICC held its first Review Conference on the Rome Statute Treaty in Kampala, Uganda this past June 2010. The NGO Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) recently published its report on this historic event. The report details the major outcomes of the Conference and the important role played by civil society as well as relevant background on the key decisions made in Kampala.
To read the report, visit: http://www.coalitionfortheicc.
For more information on the CICC, see http://iccnow.org/?mod=home
Good luck on finals!